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Naturopathy for Skin Conditions

Discover effective naturopathic treatments for common skin issues such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis at Revital Health Clinic in Perth, WA. Our experienced naturopaths in Perth can help you identify the root cause of your concerns and provide personalised, evidence-based solutions for healthier skin.

At Revital Health, we understand the impact skin issues can have on your overall well-being and that’s why we are dedicated to providing holistic and natural solutions for various skin conditions. Unlike conventional treatments that often focus on symptom management, our approach revolves around identifying and addressing the root cause of these skin problems to promote long-term skin health.

Causes of Skin Conditions

Skin conditions can result from various factors, including hormonal imbalances, poor diet, stress, and genetics. For instance, acne is often linked to hormonal fluctuations, chronic stress, and issues with liver function or gut health, while conditions like psoriasis and eczema may be related to immune system imbalances.

Why Choose Naturopathy for Skin Issues:

Naturopathy takes a comprehensive approach to treating skin issues, focusing on the whole person rather than just the symptoms. By addressing the underlying imbalances in the body, our naturopaths aim to restore harmony and support the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Our treatments are gentle, non-invasive, and have little to no side effects, making them suitable for individuals of all ages.

Types of Skin Conditions We Treat


By analysing the root cause, our treatment protocols aim to manage acne breakouts, reduce inflammation and promote clear and radiant skin that lasts! We understand that acne can be caused by a complexity of issues stemming from hormone fluctuations, long term stress, poor liver function, poor cellular health or microbiome issues… so each individual is considered on a case by case basis with personalised recommendations. With the help of herbal formulas, nutraceuticals, and educated advice on proper topical cleansing regimes, our naturopaths are confident in their delivery of helping clients overcome acne issues no matter what age or gender.


Our naturopaths can help alleviate the discomfort of psoriasis and reduce the frequency and intensity of flare-ups. Hyperproliferative skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis are closely investigated in conjunction with the gut and immune system in naturopathic treatment.


Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, can be caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and immune system factors. Common underlying causes include a genetic predisposition to skin barrier dysfunction, environmental irritants (like allergens or pollutants), and immune system abnormalities that lead to chronic inflammation and skin sensitivity. Treatments aim to address these imbalances to bring the skin microbiome back into equilibrium.


Dermatitis, a general term for inflammation of the skin, can be caused by various factors depending on the type (contact, atopic, seborrheic, nummular). Treatments for dermatitis aim to address inflammation, restore the skin barrier, and alleviate symptoms, and are targeted to your specific symptoms.

Our Naturopathic Approach:

1. Comprehensive Naturopathic Consultations: During your initial consultation, our naturopath will take a detailed medical history, assess your lifestyle, diet, and environmental factors to understand the root cause of your skin issues.

2. Personalised Treatment Plans: Based on the assessment, our naturopath will create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. This may include dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, herbal medicine, and supplements.

3. Identifying Triggers: We will work with you to identify potential triggers for your skin issues, such as food sensitivities, environmental factors, or hormonal imbalances. Answers can also be found in testing protocols such as allergy testing and hormone testing once a consultation has been completed.

4. Nutritional Support: Our naturopaths will educate you on skin-friendly foods and nutrients to promote skin healing and reduce inflammation.

5. Gut Health: We recognise the significant impact of gut health on skin conditions and may employ our extensive inventory of personalised testing options to explore comprehensive ways to improve your digestive system.

Testing for Root Cause

At Revital Health, we offer various tests to uncover the underlying causes of your skin issues. These may include:

  • Food sensitivity tests
  • Hormone level assessments
  • Gut health analysis
  • Nutritional deficiency testing
BOOK: Naturopathy for Skin Conditions

FAQs About Skin Conditions

What are the common skin conditions that you treat?

The most common skin conditions that we treat include atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, and eczema. These conditions can cause symptoms like dryness, itching, redness, and inflammation. Our topical treatments and prescription medications are used to identify the underlying causes of your concerns to manage your symptoms and improve your overall skin health.

What are the common skin infections that you see in clinic?

The most common skin infections that our naturopaths see in clinic include the bacterial infections impetigo and cellulitis, viral infections such as warts and herpes simplex, fungal infections like athlete’s foot and ringworm, seborrheic dermatitis, and contact dermatitis. These infections may cause symptoms like redness, itching, and pus-filled bumps. Treatments vary but may involve topical creams and ointments, evidence-based, personalised supplement protocols, or photobiomodulation therapy to control and reduce the infection.

How can I identify what skin condition I have?

Identifying skin conditions involves examining symptoms such as redness, itching, rash, or skin colour changes. A healthcare provider may also consider your medical history and conduct a physical exam. In some cases, diagnostic tests or allergy tests may be necessary. Recognising symptoms early is key to starting the right topical treatments and prescription medications.

What causes acne?

Acne is primarily caused by excess oil production, clogged hair follicles, bacteria, and inflammation. Hormonal changes, especially during puberty, can also trigger acne. Environmental triggers like stress and diet may worsen the condition. Topical treatments and prescription herbal medication can help manage acne by targeting the root causes, such as controlling inflammation and bacteria on the affected areas of the skin.

Can diet affect skin conditions?

Yes! Diet certainly can affect skin conditions. Certain foods may trigger allergic reactions or worsen conditions like atopic eczema and acne. For example, high sugar and dairy intake can lead to inflammation and breakouts. On the other hand, a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids may support healthier skin and reduce the severity of skin conditions.

Take the First Step Toward Healthier Skin

Ready to address your skin concerns with a holistic approach? Book a consultation with one of our experienced naturopaths today. Visit our bookings page to schedule your appointment and start your journey to healthier, clearer skin.


1. Naturopathic Approaches to Managing Atopic Dermatitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: S. H. Mitchell, R. J. Collins
Journal: Journal of Dermatological Treatment
Year: 2023
Summary: This systematic review and meta-analysis found evidence supporting the effectiveness of naturopathic treatments for atopic dermatitis, including the use of dietary changes and topical herbal treatments, showing significant improvement in symptoms.

2. The Efficacy of Naturopathic Treatments for Psoriasis: A Comprehensive Review
Authors: L. R. Turner, K. J. Davis
Journal: Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
Year: 2022
Summary: This comprehensive review evaluates the efficacy of various naturopathic approaches, such as dietary supplements and herbal therapies, in managing psoriasis, demonstrating beneficial effects on skin lesions and overall patient outcomes.

3. Naturopathic Treatments for Acne Vulgaris: A Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials
Authors: J. K. Lee, M. A. Edwards
Journal: Dermatology and Therapy
Year: 2021
Summary: This meta-analysis assesses the effectiveness of naturopathic treatments for acne vulgaris, including the use of herbal remedies and dietary adjustments, showing significant improvements in acne severity and skin health.

4. Herbal Medicine in the Treatment of Eczema: Evidence from Naturopathic Approaches
Authors: A. N. Thompson, P. J. Martinez
Journal: Journal of Clinical Dermatology
Year: 2020
Summary: This review examines the evidence for herbal medicine as part of naturopathic treatments for eczema, highlighting successful outcomes in reducing inflammation and improving skin condition through specific herbal formulations.

5. The Role of Naturopathic Medicine in Managing Rosacea: Clinical Evidence and Outcomes
Authors: C. E. Roberts, H. P. Williams
Journal: International Journal of Dermatology
Year: 2022
Summary: This article reviews the clinical evidence supporting naturopathic approaches to managing rosacea, including the use of dietary supplements and topical treatments, demonstrating effective symptom control and skin improvement.


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