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Boosting Your Testosterone with Lucas Aoun

Boosting Your Testosterone with Lucas Aoun.

Lucas Aoun is an aspiring Naturopath, self-proclaimed biohacker, and researcher, with a passion for all things human performance and wellness. He is an ex-professional soccer player, formulator for a nootropic start-up and a background in sports science. He is highly ambitious and strives to SHARE unspoken information
on various health topics that would greatly benefit mankind. He aims to specialise in Men’s health. 

Today we speak about

  1. Why is low Testosterone so common in men?

  2. What are the leading causes of low testosterone in men?

  3. What can men do to optimize their Testosterone levels?

  4. What are the signs of Low and high Testosterone in men?

  5. Foods/Lifestyle Habits support Testosterone.
  6. How are hormones and mental health linked?
  7. Top Tips when it comes to boosting your testosterone.

You can find Lucas Here

And his course here:
Hosted by
Jodi Duval
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Episode 20