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How to find your voice and inspiration to step out of your comfort zone with Hannah Moss

In this week’s episode, Hannah and I talk about finding your voice, inspiration to step out of your comfort zone, and how not to give a FK!!

We talk about vulnerability in a world of judgment and fear to speak out.

The Importance of expressing your self and it’s link to health

Finding your message, what it is you need to express, how to find your passion and then what you need to do!.

About Hannah:
Hannah Moss is a writing coach from Perth, Western Australia. With a varied professional background from copywriting to health system reform, she has a special interest in helping healers and coaches get their messages out. 

Living our purpose means expressing ourselves with honesty and courage, and Hannah’s work is driven by the belief that every single person has a message that can help heal the world. She guides people to dig deep and get clear on what that message is, and then communicate it to the right people so that they understand and make the changes needed to make the world a better place

Find Hannah here and her course: Find Your Voice:

Hosted by
Jodi Duval
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Episode 17