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Reigniting Your Libido in Your 40s: Science-Backed Solutions for Women

Reigniting Your Libido in Your 40s: Science-Backed Solutions for Women

During perimenopause and menopause, declining oestrogen levels and the busy women syndrome can dampen libido. With nutrition, lifestyle changes and targeted supplements, it’s possible to reclaim pleasure. 

We get it! We hear daily in the clinic about the declining pleasure of women in hormonal shifts and we are here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way! Here we explore the science behind common midlife bedroom woes and provides practical, evidence-based tips to nourish intimacy, get you feeling spicy and alive in your sexuality again.

The Impact of Hormones 

Oestrogen and progesterone facilitate key physiological sexual responses like vaginal lubrication, pelvic blood flow and even libido on a neurological level. So when these hormones decline in your 40s, it’s no wonder many women experience vaginal dryness leading to painful penetration, difficulty reaching arousal or orgasm, and general low desire.

Testosterone also significantly impacts libido in both men and women. Testosterone receptors are found in key areas of the brain influencing sexual motivation and desire. So decreasing testosterone levels during midlife affect central pathways of want and willingness.

The good news is certain lifestyle interventions and nutrients can help balance hormones for improved sexual satisfaction.

The Benefits of Targeted Nutrition

Emerging research reveals certain foods and supplements can counteract age-related and hormonal libido declines by providing key precursors and compounds needed for sexual response.

Maca is an Andean vegetable in the broccoli family that has been shown to help modulate estradiol levels and reduce troublesome menopausal symptoms like low desire and vaginal dryness. It contains brassinosteroids, alkaloids, sterols and fatty acids involved in hormone production and regulation.

The flavanols in dark chocolate boost nitric oxide availability leading to improved blood vessel dilation and pelvic circulation for enhanced physical arousal. The phenylethylamine compound also mimics feel-good dopamine responses in the brain.  

Zinc-rich foods like oysters, pumpkin seeds and spinach help optimise testosterone status and prevent deficiencies that can significantly dampen libido for both sexes. Zinc is essential for sexual organ function and reproductive health.

Heart-healthy fats found in foods like avocado, olive oil, nuts and seeds provide the building blocks for producing oestrogen, testosterone and other sexual health-promoting hormones. These fats also aid the absorption of fat-soluble libido Lifting nutrients.  

Additional anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich foods can help reduce oxidative cell damage and hormonal imbalance while providing protection for delicate tissues. Think leafy greens, berries, citrus fruits, fatty fish, mushrooms and fermented foods. Staying well hydrated supports all bodily functions from cognition to circulation needed for amorousness.

Medicinal compounding magic for individual prescription. 

In addition to targeted nutrition and lifestyle changes, certain medicinal herbs and plants offer gentle, complementary support for managing menopause symptoms and optimising sexual health. Naturopathic medicine taps into traditional wisdom and modern scientific validation of botanicals to create personalised prescriptions for thriving through midlife transitions.

Botanicals like Maca, Red clover, Shatavari and Tribulus contain unique active compounds that balance hormones, enhance libido, improve mood and provide antioxidant protection. While herbs such as Sage, Black cohosh, lemon balm and wild yam specifically alleviate troublesome menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety and sleep disruption that can interfere with amorousness.

Formulations can also be tailored to meet each woman’s needs. For example, pairing Chaste tree with Withania to regulate reproductive hormones while buffering the effects of stress for a calmly passionate embrace. Or blending evening primrose oil with Panax ginseng to influence multiple physiological pathways involved with sexual response and satisfaction.

When chosen and combined strategically under the guidance of one of our trained herbalists, medicinal plants offer the adaptogenic energy and loving medicine needed to fully bloom.

Lifestyle Solutions  

Stress spikes cortisol and adrenaline – hormones that inhibit arousal pathways and deactivate pleasure networks in the brain. Activities like yoga, meditation, breathing and massage reduce stress for receptive relaxation. Acupuncture also stabilises hormones and ignites libido according to some studies. Regular kegel exercises improve sensation and satisfaction by toning the pelvic floor. 

Prioritising sensual connection with one’s partner is also key. Sensate focus and tantric exercises redirect attention to pleasure and sensation. While extended foreplay and healthy lubricants facilitate readiness for deeper intimacy. 

The Future of Sexuality in your 40’s

While fluctuating desire and performance is expected, there are more solutions now than ever before to nourish intimacy and fulfilment in your 40s. By proactively addressing diet, stress levels, hormonal changes and relationship dynamics, it’s possible to be more connected and experience pleasure even better than before.

Customised Care

We know every woman’s needs are unique during midlife changes. That’s why at Revital Health, we offer individualised testing like Dutch Complete hormonal profiles to pinpoint imbalances. We can prescribe compounded botanical formulas tailored to your specific requirements. No two treatment plans look the same because we recognise you deserve compassionate, evidence-based care on your path to feeling vibrant and thriving through perimenopause and beyond.

If you’re looking for personalised support optimising your vitality during midlife’s transitional years, contact us to book a free 10 min consultation to learn more on our personalised testing and treatment plans. Support is available to help you reclaim juicy pleasure.

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