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Troscriptions, Psychedelics, The Ego and Motto’s to Live By With Dr Ted Achacoso. Part 2

Troscriptions, Psychedelics, The Ego and Mottos to Live by with Dr Ted Achacoso. Part 2

I had the honour to talk with the amazing fearless leader Dr Theodore Achacoso in this 2 part podcast.

This is part 2!

Dr Ted as he is affectionately known as, is an incredible human being, who I was immediately fascinated by, for reasons not only that he has an incredible IQ, but because of his beliefs, his amazing way of being a fearless leader and mentor to all that he comes in contact with, but also for his humour and sense of fun and lightheartedness.

I’m very lucky to be able to work with Dr Ted as his CEO of HOPe here in Australia, a non for profit organisation.

We discuss in this 2 part episode, his mission to decrease suffering in himself, others and the planet through his meditative (and ⁠medicine) practices, his pioneering work @homehopeorg (
and @troscriptions (, plus his many many other professional endeavours that span the globe. ⁠

We also discuss the perspective that Dr. Ted measures his success throughout the day on how present he has been in the moment not on the lists he has ticked and how we all should be implementing this for greater awareness and happiness.

We also talk about!
Being one of the smartest people alive, what motivates Dr Ted to get up everyday?
All about his pioneering practice and academy – Home/Hope – how this is moving the needle on health.
We chat Troscriptions and methylene blue
The ego!
We also talk insight into Dr Ted’s day.
And Dr Teds top tips and motto’s to be happy, healthy and connected.

Dr. Ted Achacoso attained a college degree in biology at the age of 18 and a doctor of medicine at the age of 22. He is the founding pioneer of the clinical practice of Health Optimisation Medicine and Practice (HOMe/HOPe), which is the detection and correction of imbalances at the level of the metabolome.
He was mentored by Thierry Hertoghe, the founding pioneer of anti-aging medicine and nutritional medicine (Dr. Ted is double board-certified, Paris) as well as William S. Yamamoto, artificial intelligence researcher and the founding pioneer of Medical Informatics. He was also mentored by D. Wayne Silby, the founding pioneer of Socially Responsible Investing and Finance and by three Philippine pioneers in interventional neuroradiology, neurology, and pharmacology/toxicology.

Hosted by
Jodi Duval
Join the discussion

  • Hi !
    Loved this episode, I have been meaning to ask – where did you manage to access Troscriptions in Aus? It seems impossible.
    Kind regards,

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