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What does it take to keep healthy in 2023?

Welcome to 2023!

Our team are here to help with your #newyearresolutions and health goals..

If 2022 showed us anything, it’s that you aren’t much without your health!

There is a multitude of information out there when it comes to health & disease, supplements, medications, lifestyle practices.. and it sure can be overwhelming.

Our team of Naturopaths are here to make the path back to optimal health a simple and supported process for you.

Our top health tips for keeping #optimal in 2023..


1. Get the basics right!

Incorporate these daily  practices into your everyday life. We call them the foundations of health – the bricks and cement that build the base of optimal functioning!

How can we help?

Revital Health has its own online course called ‘Base Health’ that breaks each of these concepts down into methods of daily integration.

Base Health is only $149.00 and provides all the important information you need to get into the nitty and gritty of each of these concepts.

– Circadian Rhythms, the importance of good water and where to find it, movement, nutrition, rest, sleep and recovery, environmental awareness.

2. Do a baseline check-up for your body

Client’s don’t only come to us when they are ill. They come to us when they are healthy, too! Our consultations are 60-75 minutes in duration; and allow an opportunity for an extensive health analysis to identify your weaknesses or imbalances!

All Naturopaths offer FREE 10 Minute Discovery Calls.

Initial consultations begin at $170 for 75 Minutes.

Book a consultation via [email protected] or call the clinic on 9467 4202.


3. Do the inner work 

This is the hardest, but by far the most rewarding task you can do for your health.

Some believe a state of health is ‘physical’. How fit you are, what your skin looks like, where your weight sits, where your blood pressure result falls.

But these exterior and measurable things aren’t what defines health.

Health is simply the absence of disease. And you can be physically fit, but have a diseased mind. Many of us do.

The inner work is the work not many people do; as it is confronting and the progress isn’t linear. But working on the mind is the long term key to combatting things such as  anxiety, stress, impatience and negative states of mind.

It enables perspective and increases gratitude. It can be facilitated and also self-guided.


How can we help?


Revital Health is renewing our monthly workshops from February and we have some amazing upcoming guest speakers, mentors and facilitators that teach important skills such as breath work, meditation practices and more! Keep an eye out..


Inner work is best done in community environments where support is readily available when you confront an uncomfortable thought or feeling.

Companies we love..

Reverence Events: Cacao Ceremonies, Heart Math Institute Practices & More (

Authentic Men: Breathwork, Ice Baths, Connection activities & More (


Sam Harris Waking Up

Trip App (Field-trip Health)


4. Be less digitally involved

Worldwide, the average user spends 3 hours and 43 minutes looking at their mobiles PER DAY.

Thats 24.5 hours per week and 1,274 hours in a year.

We must disconnect, to reconnect.

Not only is this having hugely negative impacts on our overall activity levels, mental health and community connection behaviours; it is encouraging hugely bad habits for the generations to come. Be the voice of encouragement for your friends or your family.

A story.. 

When Jodi and I were travelling America; we met a friend for lunch at a cafe in New York City called ‘The Well’. This cafe kindly asked each customer to not touch their mobile phones or laptops whilst seated at the table.

The simple rule of not being able to touch our phones reminded us just how disgustingly habitual it is to pull out your mobile and scroll the latest updates on Instagram.

But the resulting depth of conversation and engagement with the friends we met for lunch was astonishing. (Just FYI, we met Madonna’s own Personal Trainer for lunch. And if HE has time to put his phone away for 2 hours, then you can, too).

5. Remain open to change 

Many people remain unhealthy because they remain in unhealthy patterns.

People have lost the ability to be curious in the discovery of what health looks like for them. Many follow trends or begin something new, then give up after a few weeks because it ‘isn’t working for them’.

#Realitycheck; it takes a minimum of 30 days to break a bad habit (a small bad habit).

Change can be scary – the human species favours the feeling of familiarity.

But have you heard of the concept of ‘progressive overload’ before? It means; our body needs NEW stimulus (aka, something It hasn’t seen or felt before) in order to adapt and make a change.

That can be physical, mental, emotional..

So, the next time you want to try something in order to reap a benefit.. try to remain open to change. 

How can we help?

We want to know how we can help you on your health journey.

Remember! No question is irrelevant or ‘silly’ when it comes to your health.

 A few changes to the way we operate in 2023.. 

We love making up ongoing herbals and compounds for our clients in-between return consults. But as demand for stock increases; we will now require all orders to be pre-paid for before collection or upon refill requests.

We will see price increases occurring for our consultations & technology services in the new year. We endeavour to notify clients before these changes and are happy to answer any questions you have.

We will be implementing non-refundable deposits on our consultations and technology service bookings, as per our bookings & cancellation policies.

Thank you so much for your support in 2022.

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